pondělí 11. června 2018


1)  Go to the website and choose 1 topic form each level
2) Read pre-listening activity, think about your answers or ideas
3) Listen 2x
4) Complete the quiz
5) Do Vocabulary activities
6) Do Post listening excercises

úterý 22. května 2018

Phrasal verbs

 Class 8

1) Watch a video -  https://youtu.be/L-Najs9hSpc

2) Go to web https://www.helpforenglish.cz/
    and practice Phrasal verbs

3)  Find examples of differences between British and American English.
      Write 12 examples into your English notebook

pondělí 21. května 2018

class 7 Present perfect versus Past simple

1) Grammar - Present perfect versus Past simple

2) Practice - excercise

3)  TEST
4)  Create the poster with some advice
ADVICE for students / for parents  / for teachers  / for small children / for teenagers  / for sports  / for people with healthy problems 

Write minimumu 5 advice, put some pictures, save into folder class 7.A or class 7.B with your name

úterý 3. dubna 2018

A famous person

 Choose one famous person from the Czech republic or from the another countries in all the world.  Find the photo of the person.Publish some information on the noticeboard  (The first info - your name) 

- Name ot the person (or real name and nickname)
- Where and when was he / she born ? 
- Where does he/ she live ?
- Why is he/ she popular ?
- How did he/ she become famous ?
- What did he / she achieve ?
- Why do you like him or her ?

Vytvořeno pomocí služby Padlet

Rhyming words


https://youtu.be - are there rhyming words ?

pondělí 12. března 2018

Class 6 - containers

a box of      a pair of      a jar of           a piece of       a bunch of       a carton of
a bar  of      a can of      a bottle of       a glass of       a cup  of          a tube of

Cvičení - http://quantities

Game - food

pátek 2. března 2018

čtvrtek 8. února 2018