úterý 22. května 2018

Phrasal verbs

 Class 8

1) Watch a video -  https://youtu.be/L-Najs9hSpc

2) Go to web https://www.helpforenglish.cz/
    and practice Phrasal verbs

3)  Find examples of differences between British and American English.
      Write 12 examples into your English notebook

pondělí 21. května 2018

class 7 Present perfect versus Past simple

1) Grammar - Present perfect versus Past simple

2) Practice - excercise

3)  TEST
4)  Create the poster with some advice
ADVICE for students / for parents  / for teachers  / for small children / for teenagers  / for sports  / for people with healthy problems 

Write minimumu 5 advice, put some pictures, save into folder class 7.A or class 7.B with your name