2) Everyday life - phrasal verbs in the story
3) Quiz - sentences with phrasal verbs
4) Otestuj si svou angličtinu - testy a videa od Broni
5) Phrasal verbs in songs or stories or films (youtube - own choice )
2) Everyday life - phrasal verbs in the story
3) Quiz - sentences with phrasal verbs
4) Otestuj si svou angličtinu - testy a videa od Broni
5) Phrasal verbs in songs or stories or films (youtube - own choice )
1) What´s the matter ? Pictures and problems
2) Game - Health problems and advice
4) Create the poster with some advice ( Vytvoř plakát s radami pro ...)
ADVICE for students / for parents / for teachers / for small children /
for teenagers / for sports / for people with healthy problems
Write minimum 5 advice, put some pictures, save